Grief Support

Grief Support

At Hospice Alliance, we understand the importance of the grief process – and the important role we play with caregivers and families of our patients.  We offer a wide variety of grief services from individual consultations to group sessions. The mission of our bereavement department is to support one another, provide education and to honor the grieving experience.

As part of its mission of serving the community, Hospice Alliance opens its grief support services to the entire community. If you or someone you know is going through a loss, our Bereavement Team is available to provide services – regardless of whether the bereaved had a patient with Hospice Alliance.

Many times this service is simply an individual meeting or participation in a group session.  Sometimes, our team is called to assist with groups that have experienced a sudden or tragic loss (such as the passing of a beloved teacher) or multiple losses (such as a nursing home that has experienced the deaths of several residents in a short span of time).

We also offer group events, open to the public to commemorate the life of a loved one. Our summertime Remembrance Service and Memorial Brick Dedication as well as our fall Ring and Remember event, are free annual events available to our families and our community.

Continually focusing on our Mission and service to the community, our support of a family doesn’t end with the loss of their loved one or stop with families of patients in our care.

Hospices throughout the country provide valuable bereavement support - each having its own distinct ways of offering and delivering services. For example, the number of one-on-one visits offered may vary from one hospice organization to another. Support groups may be unique in focus, style, time, and attendance as well. Please feel free to call Hospice Alliance at 262-652-4400 to ask about the specific services offered.