On Grief and Grieving: Finding the Meaning of Grief through the Five Stages of Loss by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and David Kessler
Ten years after the death of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, this commemorative edition of her final book combines practical wisdom, case studies, and the authors’ own experiences and spiritual insight to explain how the process of grieving helps us live with loss. Includes a new introduction and resources section.

The Grief Recovery Handbook 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition: The Action Program for Moving Beyond Death, Divorce and Other Losses by John W. James and Russell Friedman
Newly updated and expanded to commemorate its twentieth anniversary—this classic resource helps people complete the grieving process and move toward recovery and happiness.

Understanding Your Suicide Grief: Ten Essential Touchstones for Finding Hope and Healing Your Heart (Understanding Your Grief) by Alan D. Wolfelt
Explaining the important difference between grief and mourning, this book explores every mourner's need to acknowledge death and embrace the pain of loss.


Beyond Tears: Living after Losing a Child by Ellen Mitchell, Rita Volpe and Ariella Long
Meant to comfort and give direction to bereaved parents, Beyond Tears is written by nine mothers who have each lost a child. This revised edition includes a new chapter written from the perspective of surviving siblings.
See also: the national support group THE COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS

The Orphaned Adult: Understanding and Coping with Grief and Change After the Death of Our Parent by Alexander Levy
Losing our parents when we ourselves are adults is in the natural order of things, a rite of passage into true adulthood. But whether we lose them suddenly or after a prolonged illness, and whether we were close to or estranged from them, this passage proves inevitably more difficult than we thought it would be.

Grief Diaries: Surviving the Loss of a Parent by Lynda Cheldelin Fell and Christine Duminiak
A collection of intimate and candid narrations from different writers about their journey through losing a mother or father. In chapter one, each writer bravely penned the moment when their familiar lives disappeared along with their parent's last breath.

Becoming an Orphan: Lovingly Letting Our Parents Go by Ingrid Hanson-Popp
Helping your parents as they age and eventually leave this world can be difficult. While caring for them perfectly isn’t a realistic expectation, it is possible for you to let them go without losing sight of kindness and compassion for them and for yourself.