Tina Schmitz
How long have you been volunteering with Hospice Alliance?
It will be two years in August 2022.
What brought you to Hospice Alliance?
My family has had two individuals as patients in the Hospice House. I remember the compassionate care given to our family members as well as how well staff and volunteers took care of us while we were visiting. When I retired from my CFO career in 2020 I knew that I wanted to give back to people and “pay-it-forward”. Volunteering at Hospice with their flexible schedules made it an easy decision.
What kinds of things have you done as a Hospice Alliance Volunteer?
I mainly volunteer once per week in the Hospice House. In the house I may make a meal for a patient, bake cookies, serve guests beverages, or simply be there for patients and family to speak to. I have also helped with making deliveries of birthday balloons or holiday remembrance gifts. This year I have also had the privilege of volunteering with the Hospice Connections Program – a program for grieving children and their families. I help facilitate the children’s group each month. In addition, I have helped with the annual Planting Memories event in August where children come and paint a pot and plant a flower in memory of their loved ones.
What do you enjoy about volunteering for Hospice Alliance?
People often say they think volunteering at Hospice is a sad thing to do, but I focus on the positives that it brings to the dying and the comfort to their family members. I enjoy being helpful and part of the team that is making the patients comfortable and spending their final days and moments in a place that gives them peace.
Do you have a favorite memory that you would like to share?
I recall several special moments, but a few that stick out are seeing an art class in a room that a patient wanted to give; a sweet family dog who greeted me at the door of a patient’s room; and lining the hallway in salute of a veteran who was being wheeled out while TAPS was playing.
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your volunteering experiences at Hospice Alliance?
I appreciate all the staff at Hospice who help to make the experience for patients and family as best as it can be in the circumstances. I have witnessed family members come in to the nurses’ station to give them a special thank you. Hospice makes a positive impact on families.

Al Poeppel
How long have you been volunteering with Hospice Alliance?
10 years with Hospice Alliance, 7 years prior with another Hospice.
What brought you to Hospice Alliance?
My mother was on hospice, and when I saw the good they did, I needed to give back.
I came to Hospice Alliance because after 7 years with a for-profit based Hospice, I saw they put profit before patients, so I wanted to change to a non-profit hospice. After changing, I saw that HA puts the patients and their families before everything.
What kinds of things have you done as a Hospice Volunteer?
I do weekly companionship visits for patients in facilities, I have sat vigil with patients in their last hours of life, I have provided respite visits for patients/families, I have volunteered with patients in the Hospice House, and I have helped with community outreach events.
What do you enjoy about volunteering for Hospice Alliance?
I enjoy being able to give comfort to my patients and assist their family members during this difficult time in their lives. I’ve received positive feedback from patient families, which shows to me that I’ve done my part.
Do you have a favorite memory of volunteering that you would like to share?
I have hundreds of memories – it’s hard to pick one. Every patient is special and leaves me with good memories. Being told thank you is special. After serving 225 patients, and knowing I’ve helped to make a difference - that’s what a hospice volunteer strives to do.
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your volunteering experiences at Hospice Alliance?
I am grateful to be able to serve the community. I am grateful to have had so many experiences which help me deal with many situations, including the final outcome. I enjoy working with such a great group of volunteers and staff. I am proud to be part of the Hospice Alliance family.

Kathy Tenuta
How long have you been volunteering with Hospice Alliance?
13 years
What kinds of things have you done as a hospice volunteer?
I primarily work in the Hospice House doing patient care. I have worked Sunday mornings for years and fill in when available for other shifts. I have done home visits, nursing home visits, notaries, vigils, expo's, walked dogs, cleaned litter boxes, helped write a letter to a patient’s unborn grandchild, baked, and have done ambassador work, speaking to various organizations and prospective volunteers about what Hospice Alliance is all about and why they should choose us….whatever is needed.
What brought you to Hospice Alliance?
Like many other volunteers, I had a loved one who was a patient with Hospice Alliance. We had him in hospice at home and then eventually at the House. I witnessed firsthand the exemplary care given to not only him but to us, his family as well. The night nurse sat with me and her kindness has never been forgotten. I had to give back. Also, my dear friend, Helen Plous was the Volunteer Coordinator at the time. She encouraged me to join this amazing organization, and I proudly did so.
What do you enjoy about volunteering for Hospice Alliance?
Volunteering here is truly a gift that keeps on giving. It has renewed my reverence for both life and death. I am thankful for the opportunity to help others in their end-of-life journey. I especially enjoy my time with our patients and their families. They empower me. Listening to them share their memories, their experiences, and yes…even their fears is a huge reward. Witnessing their strength makes me want to do more. We are strangers…they open up their lives to us and to be able to bestow kindness in such a small way to them, well the honor is unmeasurable.
Do you have a favorite memory of volunteering at Hospice Alliance you would like to share?
Oh my gosh…so, so many.
Being touched by so many lives…
Gaining the trust of homeless woman that was able to live her final weeks in dignity.
A wife reaching out to me to stay with her in her husband’s final hours.
The man who said I was trying to get him to forget about dying because I was wearing heels. 🙂
Sitting with a patient until she passed away – giving her family (who wasn’t able to be there) the solace of knowing she didn’t die alone.
Witnessing the wife that looked at least 70 yrs. old when her husband was brought into the House, and then after finally being able to rest, seeing her look her real age of 43.A patient that became a close friend asked me to help pick out her casket and flowers.
The Christmas cards I still get from a family who’s loved one I helped care for 8 years ago.
The families that are eternally grateful for all that we provide.
And finally, the memories I will never forget are the patients that are too weak to speak but squeeze your hand or mouth "thank you" when you do something that is so slight to you but the world to them.
Anything else you’d like to share about your volunteering experiences at Hospice Alliance?
My journey in volunteering with Hospice Alliance has taught me that every day is a gift, even our final ones. I believe we bring sunshine to the darkest days. There can be beauty in our final days and hours. Instead of looking at death with fear and discomfort, Hospice Alliance believes in empowering our patients, their families and friends through compassion, care and above all dignity, nothing less. I try to do this by treating each and every one of our patients as if they were my own family. This is a passion and a purpose of mine. I have made so many wonderful "hospice" friends over the years. Some friendships are for a very short period of time, some longer, but they all leave their footprints in my heart. I am blessed and honored to be a volunteer with Hospice Alliance.

Paul Pereira
How long have you been volunteering with Hospice Alliance?
Paul’s journey began in early 2023 when he attended the annual Hospice Alliance gala as a guest of the Piasecki Funeral Home team. Paul quickly became intrigued by the array of services we provide to the community. This curiosity led him to meet with Beth Dillon, Volunteer Manager, where he expressed his interest in becoming a music and spiritual volunteer.
What brought you to Hospice Alliance?
When asked why he chose to volunteer, Paul cites his compassion towards the sick and a strong desire to engage within the community, dedicating time to patients in need.
How was your training experience?
To become a certified volunteer, Paul completed online training through Hospice Alliance, covering topics about palliative care, cultural competence, the impact of grief, protecting patient rights in hospice, ethics, and more.
Paul mentioned that this comprehensive training equipped him with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide the best support possible, making his time with patients a truly humbling and valuable experience.
What kinds of things have you done as a hospice volunteer?
In his role as a spiritual volunteer, Paul is attentive to the needs and preferences of each patient. He coordinates with nurses before entering a patient’s room, respecting those who prefer solitude. For those open to his visit, Paul introduces himself and offers various forms of spiritual support, including prayer, reading Bible verses, or saying the Rosary, tailored to each patient’s request. Paul’s involvement extends beyond individual patient care to participating in community events, as well.